Breastfeeding an emotional roller coaster

I’m sitting in the dark, with my baby sound asleep in my arms and I can’t help to think how happy I am.

My breastfeeding journey had a rough start – mostly due to an undiagnosed tongue tie as well as very slow weight gain on her behalf. And now, almost 12 months later, I’m getting ready to call it a day.

I have to admit. It’s with a tinge of sadness.

After almost 5 months of blood blisters, cracked nipples and pain – I finally got the hang of the whole saga.

And I actually began to enjoy breastfeeding

That’s despite her continuing to feed every two hours overnight between then and now.

(The maternal health nurse says she obviously needs it to maintain her weight).

What used to be quite a stressful experience has become one of my favourite parts of the day.

A quiet moment between the two of us that no one else gets to experience.

I’m going into hospital just after her 1st birthday and the doctor has said I’ll be unable to breastfeed for two weeks because of the medication I’ll be on afterwards.

And by that stage pumping enough to give her expressed milk will be almost impossible.

So here I am. Sitting in the dark. Enjoying the milk drunk cuddles with my baby.

I spoke to a new mum a few days ago who said she wasn’t prepared for the wave of emotions linked to breastfeeding – and I agree. It was certainly a roller coaster.Breastfeeding is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. But I wish I stressed less and enjoyed it more. Because once it’s done – it’ll really feel like my baby is growing up.

– Melissa Meehan