More than a wee problem

Fitwise physio, Julienne Moore has a message for worried parents – you are not alone.

Bed wetting is a common problem for 20 per cent of Australian school-aged children.

Other kids struggle with constipation, soiling of underwear or needing to go to the toilet all the time.

Fitwise Physiotherapy has a message for worried parents – you are not alone.

Experienced continence physiotherapists can help you and your child gain better control of their bladder and bowels.

They’ll take a detailed history including your child’s bladder and bowel habits and investigate how their muscles work.

Julienne Moore is an APA Titled continence physiotherapist at Fitwise.

She says there are many reasons a child may have continence issues ranging from dehydration to holding on for too long in the playground.

“We take a holistic approach. We’re not just looking at the issue but why it’s happening,” she said.

“We do a lot of education to get the kids to use their muscles the correct way and can use an ultrasound to make sure that is happening.”

She said often worried parents were relieved to hear that some children aren’t dry overnight until they are seven years old.

“Parents shouldn’t suffer in silence – there is help out there,” she said.

“If you are concerned about your children’s continence or bet wetting, it’s worthwhile coming in. We could even set your mind at ease.”

There is no need for a referral from your doctor.

Experience and knowledge is what sets Fitwise apart.

Their staff not only have a passion for women’s, men’s and children’s pelvic health – but they have the qualifications behind them so you can trust you have the most up-to-date evidence based information at hand.

Fitwise Armadale

1095 (Rear) High Street, Armadale

9822 4999