Are you and your kids vaccinated?

 With more and more vaccine-preventable diseases being reported across Australia and the world, nurses are reminding Australians to get immunised and protected for World Immunisation Week (24-30 April).

“The World Health Organisation named vaccine hesitancy as one of the top ten global threats to health for 2019,” Australian College of Nursing CEO, Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward FACN said.

“Immunisation is a key factor in preventing the spread of disease. Australia experienced one of its worst ever flu seasons in 2017 and predictions are that the 2019 flu season could be particularly bad.”

Australia is currently experiencing its highest number of measles cases in five years.

As at, 5 April, there had been 83 measles cases – more than for the entire 12 months of 2017. “Those most impacted by the spread of preventable diseases are usually the most vulnerable – babies, young children, older Australians and people with chronic conditions,” Prof Ward said. “Australia has one of the best health care systems in the world, but one of our challenges continues to be access and equity across this vast land.