Don’t forget your flu shot

 Victorians are being urged to protect themselves against the flu this winter and get their flu shot.

The flu isn’t like the common cold, it can hit quickly and last for a few weeks, meaning time off work or school and staying away from family and friends.

For vulnerable Victorians, like children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases or a weakened immune system, the flu can have serious and devastating outcomes. That’s why the state government’s message is simple – you never forget the flu, so don’t forget your flu shot.

Everyone should get their annual flu shot anytime from mid-April onwards to be protected for the peak flu season, which is generally June to September.

However, it’s never too late to be vaccinated as the flu can spread all year round.

The flu shot is now available from general practitioners, community immunisation sessions and many pharmacies.

The most vulnerable Victorians will be protected with a free flu shot.

All Victorians over 65, children aged six months to under five years, pregnant women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and anyone with a chronic condition or weakened immune system are all eligible for a free flu vaccine.

There are some other easy steps everyone can take to prevent getting and spreading the flu, such as coughing or sneezing into your elbow and washing your hands thoroughly. If you’re sick, stay away from work and other places where you’ll spread the flu.

If you’ve got the flu, speak to your doctor or pharmacist, or phone Nurse-On-Call. For more information visit