Pop up parenting seminars helping raise young people

Year 9 Students from left, Megan, Eloise and Chloe with Deputy Principal Kellie Lyneham. 193749_01

They say it takes a village to raise a child – and Korowa Angilcan Girls’ School takes seriously the importance of being part of that village.

Their Pop Up Parenting seminars, which are open to the wider community as a whole, and not only Korowa families, are designed to help parents with the challenges of raising young people in a contemporary setting.

Deputy Principal of Student Wellbeing, Kellie Lyneham says the school has a vast amount of knowledge on offer, which has been gathered by their experienced educators over the years.

“We think it’s important to have a keynote speaker at the beginning of the school year, and at this time we seek information from parents about trending topics or issues that are worrying them,” Ms Lyneham said.

“The biggest concern for parents is them wanting to raise a resilient child or daughter. Parents are acutely aware of the better life outcomes for children who are resilient but are often overwhelmed by the amount of literature available. Sometimes they just don’t know where to start.

“Over the last three years we have introduced various guest speakers who present the information from a different perspective,” she said.

“As every girl is different, there is no one way to tackle it.”

Cyber safety is also something parents want more information about – especially if they have younger children, and they want information now so they can be ready in the future.

“Parents want to start thinking about what their daughter might be exposed to or face in the future because often parents of older children come to us and say that they wish they had known more earlier.”

The school also works to equip their students with skills that can help them in the real world, once they have graduated.

Upcoming seminars:

Thursday 25 July – Madonna King who will speak on her book, “Being 14”.

Madonna has long been known as the voice of current affairs in Queensland, heading the top rating current affairs program on the ABC for six years, and winning several national ABC awards for her journalism.

Wednesday 28 August -Kirra Pendergast. In 2014, Kirra created Safe on Social Media Pty Ltd after experiencing cyberbullying and trolling. Each year she presents to over 300,000 people in both education and other sectors. Her presentations cover such topics as Social Media and the Law; Information Security; and Privacy.

The Korowa Pop-Up Parenting seminars intend to help all parents by delivering helpful tips and empowering information that instils confidence just when we need it the most.

To reserve a place on the night, please visit the Korowa website at this link: https://www.trybooking.com/eventlist/korowa

Korowa Anglican Girls’ School

10/16 Ranfurlie Cres, Glen Iris VIC 3146
