Keeping your baby cool this summer

Some useful tips for pregnant women and new mums over summer. 200882_01

Summer can be challenging if you’re pregnant or have a newborn, so here’s a summer survival guide with expert tips on keeping yourself and your baby cool and safe in the heat.

Epworth Freemasons midwife Stacey Goad says it often comes down to common sense.

“Whether you’re pregnant, or caring for a newborn, it’s really important you plan your day. If you can, stay indoors with air conditioning and if you have to go out, try and do it early before the heat of the day,” Stacey said.

“Rest where you can, put your feet up to ease swollen ankles and be kind to yourself. It’s important to drink plenty of water and ensure your baby stays hydrated with frequent feeds.

“Young babies need some extra care as they can’t regulate their own body temperatures. You could also use a lukewarm, wet face washer or bath to ease the heat.

“Dress your in baby loose-fitting, natural fibres. You’ll find a singlet, nappy and a light wrap are best for sleep time.

“Babies and children should never be left by themselves in a car. Kidsafe Victoria tests found a parked car can be up to 30 degrees hotter inside, even on a mild day. Make sure you always have your keys on you, so they don’t get accidentally locked in.

“Avoid carriers or slings as they get hot and don’t cover prams or capsules with blankets or wraps, because it can restrict air flow and make it too hot inside.’

“If you’re concerned for your health, or that of your baby, please speak with a healthcare professional,” Stacey said.

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