The true value of early years education

In a child’s first seven years, their growing brain begins to build the foundations for how they communicate and interact with the world.

It is during this time that children develop the skills, knowledge, and character traits that will shape their future learning journey.

At Strathcona Girls Grammar, we consider how children interact with the environment, not only in a physical sense, but with an approach that considers the development of social skills, leadership abilities, and emotional resilience – the whole being of a child.

By incorporating playful learning and joy into the curriculum, children develop essential life

skills and enhance their overall wellbeing.

A quality early years education strives to develop children in a holistic way and integral to the success are the following characteristics:

Building literacy and numeracy skills: At Strathcona, we place emphasis on inquiry-based learning to involve children in the learning process and engage critical thinking.

Rather than just passively receiving information, students engage in exploration,

investigation, and problem-solving to construct their understanding of concepts and ideas.

Children are also involved in a systematic, skills-based program that lays a sound foundation

for children to learn to read – focusing on phonological awareness and oral language development through structured storybook reading.

Developing social and emotional intelligence: Children flourish in environments that

nurture, stimulate, and support their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth.

Strathcona fosters positive social interactions and encourages empathy and kindness.

We teach children skills for the real world to help them to find their place and purpose.

Social and emotional learning provides children with the foundational skills required to regulate

emotions, communicate, and build positive relationships.

Fostering curiosity and a growth mindset: Curiosity is sparked with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, arts, music, language, mathematics, and literacy, which drives children to explore and understand the world and their place in it.

Immersed in investigations, children express and develop imagination and creativity which are skills critical skills for the technology-driven and innovative world we live in.

This year Strathcona will unveil a new purpose-built early years precinct for children in ELC 3

to Year 1, which has been meticulously designed to provide the best possible start for curious young minds.

To find out more about the program at Strathcona Girls Grammar, visit

For enrolment information, email or call 8779 7606.

– Lisa Miller, Head of Junior School, Strathcona Girls Grammar