Navigating the transition to secondary school

The journey from primary to secondary school is a major milestone in a child’s education.

The transition involves various changes such as different physical environments, new rules and expectations, and more structured learning.

It is a time of great excitement but also trepidation.

Families play an integral role in helping children experience a positive passage into senior school and there are several ways parents can assist with the transition.

At Strathcona Girls Grammar, we encourage parents to consider the following strategies and areas of support.

Open communication: Having honest discussions with your child about their expectations and concerns regarding their transition to secondary school is a simple, yet effective, way to offer them a sense of security.

Provide reassurance that experiencing a blend of emotions is natural as they approach significant milestones in life, and these feelings will pass as they settle into their new environment.

Organisational skills: The shift to secondary school coincides with increased responsibilities, so it can be helpful to help your child to hone their organisational and time management skills.

Consider giving your child a diary or calendar to help them practise managing assignment deadlines, activities, and extracurricular commitments.

Wellbeing: Introduce your child to practical ways to boost their wellbeing. Deep breathing, mindfulness, physical activities, and listening to music are all effective ways to do this.

At Strathcona, students will continue their wellbeing journey under the school’s Wholebeing strategy – a holistic framework that focuses on achieving high levels of wellbeing among students and improving their resilience.

Independence: Providing opportunities for your child to build self-sufficiency can help them nurture independence and increase autonomy.

You might ask your child to take charge of organising their social events or get them to prepare their lunch and school bag for the next day to ensure they can arrive at school punctually.

Connection with the school community: If your child is starting at a new school, consider engaging with their new school community early on.

You could attend an information session, transition day, or other on-campus event such as a performance, sports event, or fundraiser.

If you’re still in the process of selecting a secondary school for your child, attending an open day or school tour is a great way to learn more about a school and to ask any questions specific to your family’s personal needs and priorities.

Strathcona Girls Grammar hosts both an open morning and school tours, to share the educational opportunities and personal development programs that are core to supporting our students throughout all stages of their education.

At Strathcona, we recognise Year 7 as a time for students to discover, experiment, and grow.

We provide students with a supportive and inspiring environment to explore their intellectual potential, stretch their individuality, and foster greater resilience.

By offering our students a broad range of challenging and enriching learning opportunities, we encourage them to develop positive attitudes, a strong sense of self, and be effective lifelong learners.

To learn more, book a tour at or scan the QR code.

By Shelley Lipshut, Year 7 Coordinator, Strathcona Girls Grammar