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Chris dives deep to save the sea

An Aussie zoologist is diving headfirst into the underwater realms of Australia's shorelines, continuing his mission to educate and inspire the nation's young minds. From...

Public IVF delivers

Victoria’s public fertility care program produced 21 pregnancies in its first year. The Royal Women’s Hospital (RWH) and Monash Health accepted almost 2000 referrals to...

Embracing nature through bush kinder

Thousands of Victorian children will have the chance to learn and play in the great outdoors, thanks to a bush kinder expansion. Minister for Children...

Monkey see, monkey do warning

Parents are essential to kids’ sports, filling roles from chauffeur to caterer to cheer squad. But when they behave badly on the sidelines, it’s often...

Tackling teeth grinding

Established in Camberwell, Dr Bob Cvetkovic is a family dentist delivering a comprehensive range of dental and oral health care services. This starts with routine...

Thriving through play

Amidst the wild ride of parenting and the unique challenges that face children today are the therapists at Playroom Therapy. Play therapy harnesses the inherent...

Get a head start on schooling

Have you noticed how musical your local community is? And how many of the capable and successful people you know had a musical education...

Your local food destination

Welcome to Wholefoods Warehouse, a family business with a hospitality background spanning more than 42 years. The team understands what it takes to make mealtimes...

The true value of early years education

In a child’s first seven years, their growing brain begins to build the foundations for how they communicate and interact with the world. It is...

More children need glasses than ever before

Digital devices, increased screen time, and reduced outdoor play are key contributing factors to a worldwide myopia (short-sightedness) epidemic, according to Shonit Jagmohan and...

Feel calm and confident in a medical emergency

Welcome to Help at Hand, life-saving baby first aid and health education for children. I created Help at Hand after I noticed a gap in...

Ready, set, ride!

Kew Traffic School is a fun and engaging space for children aged 2 to 10 years. Kew Traffic School is open for public play and...