Home News Page 14


Help! My husband is not good with kids

Help! My husband is not good with kids.. First the good news! Twenty first century dads really are stepping up to the mark. Compared...

Our best local parks and playgrounds

Looking for the best playgrounds in Stonnington and Boorondara? Look no further – we’ve found some impressive places in your area coupled with picturesque parks...

Girl shares a ‘pawsome’ story

Writing doesn’t come easily for Melbourne girl Adelaide Hogan, but her adoration for a neighbourhood cat has led to her authoring a children’s book....

Why parents are choosing naming days

When you first thing of a celebrant - a wedding is what probably first springs to mind. But for mum and celebrant Sophie Cooper...

Connecting dads

Joining a mothers group is pretty much a given for new mums. For years, mums have had the chance to connect with other new...

Collingwood Children’s Farm

Summer at the Collingwood Children’s Farm has been filled with baby animals, flowers, produce, music and NO LOCKDOWNS! It’s been a joy to welcome members,...

Music from three for Melbourne Girls’ Grammar

Enjoying, learning about and making music influences many parts of young children’s learning and development. Music is one of the few activities that use...

Kostka Building and Master Building Plan – Year 7/8 Enrolment

Xavier College is justifiably proud of the opportunities that lie ahead of us as we reimagine inspiring new learning spaces for our students. As a...

Andale School students spread their wings

Andale School is known for supporting learners who benefit from structured, scheduled, and evidenced based literacy and numeracy learning interventions, Andale students are also...

De La Salle College: Be Your Best

De La Salle College educates over 1,000 students across three campuses – Tiverton, Holy Eucharist and Kinnoull. Each campus is designed for each stage...

Our Community of Learners

As parents, we might ask ourselves, “What kind of community do I want for my child?” At Preshil we have created one that is...

Unusual signs of pregnancy

Some of the signs of early pregnancy are well known and fairly obvious, such as missed periods or swollen, tender breasts. But what about some...