Good oral health as easy as ABC


 Knowing what is best for your children’s dental health as they grow can sometimes be overwhelming.

To ensure the best opportunity for good oral health, Eddie Butler – Director of Victorian Group recommends that an infant’s first visit to the dental clinic should occur by 6-months of age, or when their first tooth appears.

Routine brushing should then begin in order to look after their baby teeth. Even though they will eventually fall out, baby teeth play a significant role in your child’s development. If left uncared for, tooth decay can occur which can be painful. If left unmanaged, this may result in the loss of a tooth which can affect speech, nutritional intake, self-esteem and the development and position of the adult teeth.

Continual assessment of your growing child’s changing teeth, gums and orthodontic needs every six months is recommended. This helps to ensure optimal dental health and the early detection of any concerns or abnormalities.

The team at Victorian Dental Group believe that healthy habits for good oral health start early, and are passionate about establishing oral hygiene programs that will follow your children from the emergence of their first tooth all the way through to adulthood.

The highly trained team recognize that every child is different and have their own changing needs and understanding of dental health. Therefore, Victorian Dental Group take a fun and educational approach to children’s dentistry that creates an equal partnership of dental care.

Victorian Dental Group also offer on the spot Hi-caps electronic Medicare and health insurance claiming, Medicare Child Dental Benefits Scheme, and have payment plans available.

For more information on children’s dental health and oral hygiene, check out, or speak to the team on 03 9088 5808.