St Peter’s Early Learning Centre at St Kevin’s College is a coeducational Catholic early learning environment in partnership with the parish of St Peter’s Toorak. We are a small setting with big heart. Working in partnership, we are committed to instilling values of family, community and social
At St Peter’s ELC, we believe in setting the right foundations for school readiness through a play based learning environment. We pay particular attention to the children’s early stage of ‘learning how to learn’, and we guide this through the principals of the Reggio Emilia Educational Project’s view of 100 languages.
Our early learning program considers the interests and curiosities of the children, as well as from Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence, which looks at how different modes of learning can benefit each child.
Educators spend time ensuring that the learning stimulus and provocations are meaningful for the children. It’s not a matter of setting up random activities to keep the children busy, it’s about stimulating curiosity, inquiry and learning to further extend each child’s development.
We believe the foundations made in the early years strengthen the children’s social and emotional intelligence and provides confidence so they are ready to learn in the formal settings of school.
Head of St Peter’s ELC – Mrs Kathleen Brohier